Do you think East Penn Foot and Ankle Associates could have prevented Ryan Howard from rupturing his Achillles Tendon?

12 Apr
Ryan Howard Injured his ankle

Ryan Howard Injured his ankle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ryan Howard of the Phillies had been having problems with his ankle for weeks preceding his season ending injury. He had been trying to continue to play, but his ankle pain was making it difficult for him to remain on the field. Without time to rest before the playoffs, Howard opted for an injection of cortisone in the area of the Achilles tendon. The injection was given 2 weeks before his tendon ruptured.

Injecting a steroid such as cortisone around the Achilles tendon is very controversial. Injections into the tendon or around the tendon are known to increase the likelihood of tendon rupture. Usually, if an injection is considered, a lengthy period of rest and avoid major physical activity for a period of time to avoid tendon ruptures will follow the injection.

At EPFAA we would have suggested EPAT (Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology) for his injury to alleviate his Achilles tendon pain. EPAT is a new technology introduced to the Lehigh Valley by Dr. Adam Teichman. EPAT, is a painless treatment used to treat chronic pain such as Achilles tendonitis. The mode of action during Pulse Therapy is to stimulate the chemical process providing improved blood circulation in the pain regions to promote natural healing without restriction of any activity.

Benefits of EPAT:
• Patients are immediately fully weight-bearing without restriction of activity.
• Over 80% successful outcomes [Published Data–Long-term pain relief (Results retained)].
• Non-invasive so bio-mechanics are not affected–future treatment options are not limited.
• Fast, safe and effective.

To learn more, visit our website. If you are interested in the EPAT program, schedule an appointment.  Here at East Penn Foot & Ankle Associates, we are committed to your health.

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